Don’t fall behind. Put these four tips to use right now.

Autumn Home Vibes

A Wisconsin fall is the perfect time to sell a home or build a stronger business – and, in the case of our real estate agent friends – do both. Here is a cornucopia of tips to help your clients while also building a stronger foundation for yourself going into 2024.  

Stage with plenty of autumn flair.

 A wreath of fall leaves on the door, a few tastefully placed pumpkins, or a cozy blanket on the couch can all help create an inviting atmosphere. However, moderation is key here—aim for subtle fall elegance or holiday cheer.

Think ahead

Yes, this is a tip about winter to pass on to buyers, sellers and regular homeowners alike.

Consider seasonal maintenance. If you’re a homeowner, do it. If you’re a seller, definitely do it, and if you’re a buyer, make sure you know how much you’ll have to do it right away. (Realtors, putting out a reminder about preparing for a local winter may be the perfect way to check in with past customers.)

Get creative about fall events

Host a client appreciation event somewhere with seasonal flair to connect with existing and future clients. Speaking of the perfect autumn or winter occasion, a late-year open house may be non-traditional, but it could help you score points with prospective buyers and real estate colleagues.

Ask for those reviews and referrals. 

We all know November is about showing gratitude, and there’s no better way for your happy customers to show appreciation than with a thoughtful testimonial or a recommendation for your services to a friend. Sometimes, they need a reminder of how easy it would be to leave some kind words on Facebook or Google!  

No matter the season, the Premier Closing Services team is always in your corner. Reach out to us anytime you need us! (And if you’ve loved working with us so far this year, we’d love for you to share your story. See what we did there?)