4 Things to Know About Social Media in 2024

social media tips

Building a brand digitally is essential in today’s modern world, but it can be difficult to keep the momentum going. Creating engaging content and staying steady with posting on social media can often be an uphill climb.

Our team hopes the following tip list provides some inspiration when it comes to upping your social game – no matter if you’re already an expert or just re-starting your effort before a busy spring season. Love this advice? Be sure you’re following Premier Closing Services on Facebook!

Your content should entertain. No pressure, but we’re all on social media because it’s fun. Think of “attention” as the greatest digital commodity. Make short videos, ask questions, jump on trends and show some personality. 

Hashtags are so last year. Just a few years ago, hashtags were vital so your posts could be searchable on a social media platform. Now, all written content is scanned for keywords, and hashtags are no longer essential for a post’s discovery. Keep using branded tags to differentiate yourself, but you no longer need them to be part of the discussion. #advice

Consistency is the key to success. It’s one thing to say you want to be better at social media (especially at the start of a new year.) It’s another to do something about it. Plan out a content calendar and use a social media posting tool. It will be worth it. 

LinkedIn can jumpstart your B2B marketing. Real estate is based on the relationships we build with our customers and partners, and LinkedIn has become the place to position yourself as a local expert in the B2B world. The platform, which is much more than a job board now, also knows it. Join the vibrant conversation!